Every foreign country a homeland; every homeland a foreign country. Gordon W. Lathrop
New Year: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Story of my journey, changing course and becoming a musician. Written at a trip to Bristol in the year 2020.
- W.A. Mozart’s life and opera – My Würzburg Diary June 7, 2024.“Ich kann nicht anders – ich muß eine große opera oder gar keine schreiben.”“One thing is certain—I must compose a great opera …
- Postcards from Munich (December 2023)Christmas Market Winterreise Bench Hot balloon traveller View from Max-Joseph-Platz Frauenkirche Chandelier in Frauenkirche Munich streetscape Liebighof im Lehel restaurant Marienplatz Note:If …
- In You is joy“So that they go home with a joyful heart.”Ton Koopman Since I attended his masterclass. “A joyful heart” as souvenir to the …
- Organ excursion: Bad Wimpfen, Maihingen, NeresheimBeautiful interruption in life, unplanned yet happened naturally, I can call it coincidence or a gift. I preferred to call it a …
- Suddenly, I’m anticipating apple season!It’s very challenging to do life with a residential permit that needs to be renewed every year. Despite all the challenges I’m …
- The Meaning of Being SickI am now slowly recovering from being sick (again). New sickness every month. This time is worse than all the sickness I …
- The Louvre in Paris – How does it feel like to visit a place for the 2nd time?I visit The Louvre for the 2nd time. Visiting this museum for the 2nd time, I was free from the stress to …
- What about a blank book from Shakespeare and Company to write our story in Paris?Stepping into the bookstore was like entering an enchanted book world that only exists in imagination. Every corner, each room, the staircase, the corridor are decorated with such careful detail. My most loved room was the reading place at the 2nd floor, by the window. Then I read about the late bookstore owner wanted to write a novel with his bookstore, if I was in his bookstore, I was part of his novel. That was the magic he used.
- Visiting Versailles during Holy WeekVersailles, French court culture, and the way the French constructed the public image of the ruler, became a model which all other …
- Crossing the Danube riverRegensburg is not as exciting as antipasti, nor as splendid as main course, but it is like a cup of espresso after …
- To say something consoling like musicFor the purpose of his art was to console people, to say ‘something consoling like music’.And he found in Rembrandt the consolation …
- Lent 2023My Lenten season this year began in Amsterdam. It was also my first time visiting Amsterdam. I heavily relied on the google …
- So you have become my homeSo you have become my home? Not yet, because the residence permit have still got an expiration date. I am so relieved …
- Harvest Thanksgiving (2022)This past Wednesday 28.9.2022 I received a letter that said “Residence Permit for Self-Employment” is granted and ready to collect. Exactly on …
- Pruning SeasonI really like to walk in the vineyard, and often jokingly say to my friends that my backyard is a vineyard. The …
- Be CourageousAs I am writing this blog post, I supposed to be in Bristol (UK) playing an organ recital. Apparently, the recital is …
- Misplace“Why am I actually here?” Amy (fictional name), the almost 3 years old girl was thinking about this question and found no reason to stay still any longer. She raised up from her mattress, come and talked to me.
- “That sort of pride is all wrong”Remember that I talked about my chaotic state of mind and restlessness? Recently, something happened make me realize that I probably should …
- Beware! Christmas Cracker!Christmas Cracker Welcome to the Christmas lunch in the United Kingdom! It is lovely having you here, please take a …
- My workplaceNow I can exactly count how many worship services left to accompany at the organ in Leonberg until the end of my …
- The neighbourTo me, the neighbour in Heilbronn look like a stern man. He was not necessarily unfriendly, he was just very economical with …
- Prague SouvenirPhoto by Angie Teo So this was Prague in November year 2013. My wonderful reporter friend A and I spent our holiday …
- The rain and IAs my train slowly arriving in Leonberg train station, the small drops of rain were getting larger and larger. As I stepped …
- Let’s have Fika!“Let’s have Fika!” K said with excitement. Right after I touched down in Stockholm, K met me in airport and announced …
- Where from? Where? Where to?With all my might, I would like to settle down. Alone because of the whole moving house process and running between immigration …
- Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea.Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea. These are the seven necessities to begin a day according to ancient Chinese wisdom. The …
- Weinsberg (Weibertreu)With pictures and text in Chinese. 在艰难战役下好不容易才征服的地儿,与真爱相比之下,显得黯然失色。八百多年后,这座古堡历经沧桑,成为了废墟;而那一段故事至今不朽,依旧扣人心弦。
- Wild Life Exhibition 野生影展实况报导The Wild Life Exhibition in Bristol Museum and Art Gallery (Year 2011). 二月19日到六月5日在Bristol Museum and Art Gallery展出“Wild Life Exhibition”. Photo description in English.