About Me

A life long traveller, musician (church organist), writer.

A life long traveller

My childhood belonged to Sabah, Jakarta and Hong Kong because my relatives live in Jakarta and in Hong Kong. I was in Sabah for school. In the holidays, I travelled to my Jakarta home with Brunei Airlines or Dragon Airlines brought me to my home in Hong Kong. I grow up with a confused definition of homeland and foreign country.
I was in Beijing (China), Bristol (UK) and Heidelberg (Germany) for further education. Visiting friends, work and curiousity have also taken me to many places.
I have been living in Germany for a long time, so long that everyone thought I was starting to put down roots. The fact that I still need to apply for visa every year, I am only a traveller here. I might leave Germany anytime when I have had enough of Ausländeramt (The immigration office). Anyway, I want to follow God’s plan rather than my way.

Musician (church organist)

Music, I have never ever imagined and wanted to be a musician until I started organ lesson just out of interest in my late 20s. And now I can not live without music. Music is the most beautiful encounter on my traveller life, I thanks God for trusting me with such a wonderful gift – music.


Writing for me is as essential as breathing.
Other than that, I completed Bachelor degree in Chinese language and literature at one of the most prestigious universities – Peking University or Beida (China). The dream university for studying Chinese language and literature.
Completed Master in International Development at University of Bristol (UK) equipped me with important skills like critical thinking, cross-cultural experiences, insight into society. Those skills are contributing to my writing too.

Following is the „about me“ that I written in the year 2010 when I started this blog. Nothing has changed, only I am using a new camera now.  

About Me (2010)

I like travelling. These are all the notes that I’ve taken during my journey. I might not introduce you those “Places-to-go” nor “foods-to-taste”, I couldn’t present to you what exactly I’ve seen through my fool-proof Sony camera together with my no-more than normal shooting skill. The purpose of travelling shooting and writing is just as simple as ‘be close to life’. That’s because I seem to be understand myself better through each journey. The whole bunch of pictures will be my most precious treasure out of my journey. To me, the meaning of travelling is a picture with a short description of my thought. Simple, and unreasonable, perhaps. 
