New Year – Part 2


3. Dawning

Waking up in Bristol and getting emotional. It has been almost 9 Years since I have completed my Masters in International Development at the University of Bristol. The 9 years ago me would never have imagined what I am doing now – church music. She graduated from one of the top ranked universities with a promising future. The future that she wanted was working for an NGO to make this world a better place and write stories in her spare time.

Why am I writing this? Because I don’t want this meaningful memory to fade away. Also, a homage to the younger me that burned the midnight oil in the library to gain the degree, tell her that her hard work was not in vain, tell her that I am still holding on to her vision. 

4. Pieminister

I have totally forgotten that I used to love Pieminister until A suggested we would have lunch there. See? It is necessary to write everything down before I forget it again. We merrily went for lunch with her parents. The memory of chicken pie, mashed potatoes, green peas and gravy is back!

Despite how forgetful I am, I still vividly remember the Christmas I had with A and her parents. I walked through the snow covered road, and stepped into a festive decorated warm house. The turkey, the Christmas cracker with not so funny jokes inside it, the flaming pudding, the queen’s speech and we laughed a lot.

An afternoon was just too short to catch up what we have been through this 9 years. I have to go for a movie appointment, but we agreed to meet the next day. 

5. “Little Women”

As R and I walked into the cinema, two women greeted us and asked: 
“Are you here for ‘Little Women’ ?”
“Sold out!”
“I know! It’s popular! But we bought the tickets.”
“People like you had bought all the tickets.”
“I’m sorry, have a nice evening.”

This movie made me cry. I hope that I have not buried my other passion, writing yet. The little piece I’ve written now may be tiny proof. 


To be continued – New Year Part 3