The rain and I

As my train slowly arriving in Leonberg train station, the small drops of rain were getting larger and larger. As I stepped out the train, Leonberg welcomed me with lightning and storm and heavy rain. The little umbrella that I have was rather useless in this situation. Anyway, for me who grew up in Malaysia with tropical rainforest climate, this situation is not unfamiliar. 

I walked as fast as I could, finally my house come into my sight. At this moment, the rain was getting smaller and it stopped as I opened my door. I then looked up to the sky and said: “So typical!” 

So typical me, the rain is always with me when I am outdoor. Not long ago, I visited my adopted German family in Heilbronn. The same story, as I came out from train, the rain welcomed me. Luckily, it was not as heavy as the one in Leonberg. The family waited for me at the platform, after greetings, she said: “So strange that the rain suddenly come, it was sunny all the time until you arrived.”

A similar story during my Bristol year. England is in any case famous with foggy rainy day. Once in a while, the sun shone brightly. I suggested: “Hey, the sun is shining! Let’s go for a walk now and discuss the presentation afterward.” Because sunny day is rare in Bristol, everyone agreed. After 5 to 10 minutes walk, one of my course-mates asked: “Michelle, where is the sun?”  

Following story is the classic case of my life. Sabah is a state in Malaysia where I come from. People come to Sabah for romantic beach wedding, island honeymoon and unforgettable wedding anniversary vacation. If you type “Sabah beach” in google image, you will see something like this:   

When my best friends of Beijing year visited me in Sabah, I also managed to give them an unforgettable vacation. As we stepped into the speed boat that head to island, the sky turned dark, and you can imagine what would be the next. After a decade, we are still talking about the legendary island trip and our unforgettable picnic in the rain. Just compare the picture from google image with our picnic picture.  
Tasty “nasi goreng” made with love by mother.
In my world, perfect weather comes seldom. Therefore, if I always waiting for the perfect weather to have fun, I think my life will end up with regrets. It is a real pity, if in my old age when I am sitting in my rocking chair reflecting on my regretful life. The remedy would be get the best out of every kind of weather. 

The best of got completely drenched by the rain is the hot shower and the hot chocolate afterward. What is the meaning of warm if it was not cold before? Rainy day or sunny day is really out of my control, but at least I can try my best to make it less miserable and even enjoyable. 
Oh, I forgot to tell you that, after I said: “So typical!” to the sky in Leonberg at my door, I saw a double rainbow. 

“I think I’ll give up flying practice for the moment,” she said.
But how do I get down ? asked a subdued inner thought.
Don’t let’s think about that now, another inner thought replied firmly. 
Let’s just enjoy the view.
“I shall make the best of it for now. “

Diana Wynne Jones, House of Many Ways.