Beware! Christmas Cracker!

Welcome to the Christmas lunch in the United Kingdom! It is lovely having you here, please take a seat. As you can see, the Christmas Cracker is on your plate. You may now open it by pulling both ends of cracker with sharp tug. Oh, how I love those festive explosive noises. 
I’ve got a paper crown in green, a snowflake keychain and of course the joke in my cracker. May I read the joke? Make sure you groan over the jokes! 

The jokes inside my Christmas crackers in year 2010 

Ok, now is your turn to read your joke! 

A: What says Oh Oh Oh? Santa walking backwards! 

B: What’s a child’s favourite king at Christmas? A stocking! 

C: What type of key do you need for a Nativity play? A don-key! 

D: What did Adam say on the day before Christmas? It’s Christmas, Eve! 

E: Who hides in the bakery at Christmas? A mince spy! 

Well, I don’t mind the mince spy, but I am very proud to announce that I’ve baked some traditional mince pies for dessert. We can have it while listening to the Queen’s Christmas speech at 3pm. 


Traditional British Mince Pie made by me this year 😉 


No matter how I love the Christmas Crackers, I need to face the truth that it contributes to plastic pollution. How to retain the fun in an environmental friendly way?