Literature Club

Here I share my thought about stories, books and poetry.

I discuss the fascinating stories of an ancient Chinese musician (Bo Ya), an aged Cuban fisherman (The old man and the sea), a Swedish girl in her magical wood (Ronia, the Robber’s Daughter), a well that sing forgotten most beautiful fairy tales at night (Mio, my son) and many more.

You also can read with me those delicate poetry written by poet like Shakespeare, Su Shi, Lenau, Mörike, Heine and more to come.

Welcome to The Journey’s Literature Club!

To Be Known by You

This is a story about a musician called BoYa. He played Zither, he lived around 380 BC in ancient China. To remember this moving melancholy story, people give a name to it, and this name/ noun is still widely used today. The noun is – 知音zhi yin, it describes the someone that we can communicate with soul and mind and at spiritual level. To story click here: To Be Known by You.

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