I really like to walk in the vineyard, and often jokingly say to my friends that my backyard is a vineyard. The vintner was very hard working, he already start to prune the branches, just compare the unpruned grapevines at the left side, and the pruned vines at the right side.
Every good vintner know that pruning is crucial for the plant to flourish. And to flourish, the grapevines only need 2-3 branches. Also, having more than that, the tree would not be fruitful. The reason is as simple as unpruned branches and overgrown leaves are blocking sunlight from reaching areas of the vine. This is very enlightening.
I have to confess that I enjoy the admiration, when friends praise me about my independence, achievement, able to manage different complicated things still remain sane. It was not true, I was nearly insane last year, and my social support is keeping me sane.
I was kind of proud of my busy schedule that I nearly suffocated. Because “busy” could be translated as “I am busy, important and I do not need anyone.” My friend did point out this to me, I am glad that she still call me from time to time to check if I am ok.
I was like an unpruned tree, proud of my useless branches (busy schedule). And the overgrown leaves blinded my eyes, minds, heart to what truly matters in life. What is truly matters in life? In order to find out this, I have to allowed myself to go through the painful pruning season. I have to trust the great vintner – God , which branches to keep in order to be fruitful in Autumn.
I am a Christian, I meditate on Bible, when I need direction. This time, the 10 commandments comes into my mind, which can be summarised in one sentence: “Love the Lord Your God, love your neighbour as yourself.” – Mark 12:30-31.
Referring to the 10 commandments in Exodus 20: 1 -17, the No. 1 – 3 commandments are about my relationship with God, the No. 4-10 are about my relationship with others. Yes, to work also a commandment that attached to the commandment No. 3 REST. It says, to work 6 days in a week. 6 days is a big chunk of time, still it is in the 2nd place than to love.
(More information about 10 Commandments please watch this video by the Bible Project- Biblical Law: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sew1kBIe-W0 )
Since I am working on becoming a musician, the way Erich Fromm explained love in a perspective of doing art make sense to me.
Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving
“Who aspires to become a master in this art must begin by practicing discipline, concentration and patience throughout every phase of his life”
Discipline. Whether I am in mood or not, I just need to practice some hours a day for 6 days (remember the REST?) Constantly care for friends and family, be responsible for them, not only when I am in mood.
Concentration. The more I pay attention to every detail in music, the better my music will be. I guess almost every musician can agree on this. The more concentrate I am in practicing my music, the more effective the practice session will be. When I am communicating to my friend and family, how much concentration I give to them?
Patience. Sometimes, in my one hour organ lesson, we only discussed about 4 bars. For this 4 bars, I might practice for a week, still cannot achieve the result, and suddenly one day I’ve got it or I have to put it aside and come back to it later. No shortcut, no guarantee, just be patience.
Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving
“The main condition for achievement of love is the overcoming of one’s narcissism” Erich Fromm
It comes back to the heart of pruning season, I have to overcome my narcissism that always thinking I am important because I am busy and I do not have time for God and people. I am curious about what God is going to reveal to me, the ultimately important branches to keep? I pray that He would help me to be decisive enough to say good bye to those unhealthy branches.
When I believe God is a good vintner, I can confidently look forward to the harvest season in Autumn.
Another post that I wrote about vineyard: https://thejourney-writing.com/2021/09/be-it-ever-so-humble.html
A video I made about the vineyard I mentioned: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3T3T3bkgRpM