The Meaning of Being Sick

I am now slowly recovering from being sick (again). New sickness every month. This time is worse than all the sickness I had in this year.

I could not eat anything, I just threw up as soon as I ate. To avoid fainting because of dehydration and energy deficiency, I wrote to my friend to bring me some medicine and foods for this situation. She saved my life. My oversea family talked to me when I was not vomiting to keep me alive. I always know how important is to have friend and family. Now, I would say it is lifesaving to have them.

Actually, May and June are very demanding months to me. It is like I am supposed to speed up, instead of that, a full brake for a week. I was very weak for 3 full days, I could not even hold a book to read. I tried to listen to podcast sermons, only for 5 minutes, dizziness and nausea started to attack me.

Fortunately I could sleep, but I still could not sleep for 24 hours a day. The only and the ultimate essential option was to pray. Luxury time to talk to my heavenly Father. Not just in between wake up and breakfast time, nor praying while thinking of the never ending to-do-list, but a very long conversation with full attention.

It comforted me to think of the baptism of Jesus, he hasn’t perform any miracle yet, still His heavenly Father said, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” (Mark 1:11) I was quite useless being sick, still no panic, because my WORK does not define my WORTH. My WORTH is solely found in how God sees me.

Why Jesus could please God? Because Jesus never side-tracked from doing God’s will. Jesus can calm the storm and He has done many wonderous miracles, but chose the most humiliating way to die for an accuse He never committed.

Being sick reminds me that, the more demanding is my timetable, the more I have to rely on Him not myself. When I am sick, I can do nothing. There are too many things out of my control, I simply have no idea at all, I need to let go of those stuffs. I have thrown away my previous life motto: With a perfect plan, everything can work out. So self-reliance and arrogant. Without God, every plan is nothing. So that when my work is “successful”, I would not take the credit, it is God who makes thing happen. I am just a servant, stewarding His resources like my talent and everything. I have to bear the outcome of being irresponsible. But when I’ve done my part, the outcome is not desirable? This one I cannot control, so it is not my job to worry about it, just trust Him.

Because of being so sick, once again, I come to the realization that without my potter – God, I am just mud, totally useless. As I am still figuring out the next step, how essential is to ask Him, am I a mug, a plate, a bowl, a vase or a jar?

I live my life in growing rings,
that stretch across things.
I may not be able to accomplish the last one,
but I will try.

I circle around God, around the ancient tower,
and I circle for millennia;
and I do not yet know: am I a hawk, a storm
or a great song.

Rainer Maria Rilke


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