Tag Archives: Poetry

Does the 13th Month exist? – Reading Erich Kästner and Song of Songs

The poems collected here were written by a urbanite for urbanites. He tried to reflect. Because one can lose contemplation, but one must find it again.Die hier gesammelten Gedichte schrieb ein Großstädter für Großstädter. Er versuchte sich zu besinnen. Denn man kann die Besinnung verlieren, aber man muss sie wiederfinden. Preface – The 13 MonthsVorwort …

“My heart is like an apple tree” – A Birthday

My heart is like an apple-treeWhose boughs are bent with thickset fruit;Mein Herz ist wie ein ApfelbaumMit Ästen hangend von Früchten schwer.Christina Rossetti Now is the prime time to pick apples. Everywhere I go, I see apple-laden branches. As the apple season begins, I already baked cinnamon apple muffins. While I am writing this, I …

The same crab-apple tree?

Last night the wind blew hardand rain was fine.Sound sleep did not dispel the aftertaste of wine.I ask the maid rolling up the screen.‘The same crab-apple tree’she says, ‘was seen.’“But don’t you knowO don’t you knowThe red should languish” 如梦令/ Like a dream/ Wie im Traum词: 李清照 译: 许渊冲Lyric: Li QingZhao Translator: Xu Yuanchong 海棠依旧?The …