The two books of year 1955 are poetry collection of Baroque period and Romantic period. Just as Church Hymns and Art Songs are dear to me, so too these two books. I appreciate there is a section for women poet inside both of them.
I found them in a public bookcase and adopted them. I really like the idea of public bookcase, a place where everyone can freely and anonymously exchange books. Or just take a book for free. It makes reading available also for people on a tight budget. With luck, one can find a really good book that out-of-print. I’ve once found a complete collection of Bach’s keyboard music pocket books. And recently the two books I am mentioning in this post.

I flipped through the book and stopped by this stunning poem – Moonlit Night by Joseph von Eichendorff. The composer Robert Schumann set this poem into music, also Johannes Brahms. What puzzle me is in Brahms version, at the last sentence, he use ‘Räume’ instead of the original text ‘Lande’.
Flog durch die stillen Lande (Räume)
Als flöge sie nach Haus.
Flew across the silent land,
As though flying home.
Moonlit Night
It was as though Heaven
Had softly kissed the Earth,
So that she in a gleam of blossom
Had only to dream of him.
Joseph von Eichendorff
Full translation: https://www.oxfordlieder.co.uk/song/926

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