Midnight’s Blogpost
Today I took a rest from playing organ and immerse myself in the ocean of books. I did not stick to one book, but travelled from one book to another book for some pages. Sometimes, I enjoyed just to revisit those books I’ve read before. Because of this habit, I use sticky notes heavily while reading a book, so that I could find my favourite place in the book easily. And suddenly, it’s already dark outside. The title of one book I am reading currently has inspired this blog post, keep reading if you’d like to find out more.
Midnight’s Poetry
This little poem by poet Rainer Maria Rilke is beginning with the verse: “I would like to sing someone to sleep … ” The poem is about a fatherly affection, love and protection to his child.

Herausgegeben von Matthias Reiner
Mit Illustrationen von Antje Damm
Midnight’s Children
I am diving into the world of Salman Rushdie’s “Midnight’s Children”. This novel is dedicated for Rushdie’s childhood memories in Bombay (1950s).
I am reading this alongside with “The Cambridge Companion to Salman Rushdie” by Abdulrazak Gurnah. From his biography, I read about his novels are prize winners, at the same time put his life at risk. Not only his life, but also his book translators and publisher were stabbed or shot. The novel – “The Satanic Verses” claimed to be controversial in religion ideas, Rushdie however defensed his books are about “migration, its stresses and transformations” but not anti-religious. (From Rushdie, Salman, 22 January 1989. “Choice between light and dark”. The Observer.)
Are you also reading Salman Rushdie’s poetry or novel? Any recommendation?

The little night’s music
The famous serenade by the famous W.A. Mozart. Good night!