Tag Archives: Nature

“My heart is like an apple tree” – A Birthday

My heart is like an apple-treeWhose boughs are bent with thickset fruit;Mein Herz ist wie ein ApfelbaumMit Ästen hangend von Früchten schwer.Christina Rossetti Now is the prime time to pick apples. Everywhere I go, I see apple-laden branches. As the apple season begins, I already baked cinnamon apple muffins. While I am writing this, I …

The same crab-apple tree?

Last night the wind blew hardand rain was fine.Sound sleep did not dispel the aftertaste of wine.I ask the maid rolling up the screen.‘The same crab-apple tree’she says, ‘was seen.’“But don’t you knowO don’t you knowThe red should languish” 如梦令/ Like a dream/ Wie im Traum词: 李清照 译: 许渊冲Lyric: Li QingZhao Translator: Xu Yuanchong 海棠依旧?The …