Books about the wondrous nature

This is the book I read recently on a train journey. This book is a love letter to tree and forest. Our mother nature is a real wonderland that it breaks my heart to read about deforestation in Borneo and Amazon. We are part of the nature and we will surely die without forest. Nevertheless, contrary to me, the author wrote with an optimistic tone with practical suggestions to save our forest. The most important suggestion is to leave the forest alone, even a stump is contributing to the whole ecosystem.

Because of reading this book, it inspires me to share more books about nature with you. The first two books are relatively recent. The 3rd book is an international classic children’s book. The lyrical description of nature in the 4th book is enchanting.

Here are my four books with my favourite quotes.

“But a pair of true friends is careful right from the outset not to grow overly thick branches in each other’s direction. The tree don’t want to take anything away from each other, and so they develop sturdy branches only at the outer edges of their crowns, that is to say, only in the direction of “non-friends.” Such partners are often so tightly connected at the roots that sometimes they even die together.

As a rule, friendships that extend to looking after stumps can only be established in undisturbed forests.

As a rule, trees in planted forests behave like loners and suffer from their isolation.”

Book: The Hidden Life of Trees
Author: Peter Wohlleben

“We have the joy of watching all of nature’s grandest performances. And although she repeats herself (every year!) no two shows have been the same.”

Book: From Field and Forest
Author: Anna Koska

“So the two of us went on together.
I was curious,
where Ben (the donkey) would take me.

Only now I realized,
that we were in an area,
that I had never seen before.”

Book: My donkey Benjamin
Author: Hans Limmer
Photos: Lennart Osbeck. ⁠⠀

“I know you love me.” Sul (the horse) said.
“and something like that doesn’t happen often. We were just lucky to have become friends. Especially since you’re a human being and I’m a horse! That we understand each other, that’s our luck!”

Book: Ein Junge und ein Pferd / A boy and a horse
Author: Juri Korinetz
Illustrator: Anne Bous

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