I was standing at the rainy side of the hill, and the sun was shining on the other side of the hill. Cherries has ripen, apples not yet. We cannot judge the taste of fruit by how fast it ripen, each fruit has its own tempo.

My current life situation is at the rainy side of the hill, and the sunny side seems far from reach. However, a fruit need both sun and rain to ripe at its tempo, just focus on the joy of the harvest time. Apple is slower than cherry, but it will be tasty when its time has come.
This is the epiphany that the nature gave me today while I was walking through the vineyard.
The officer went on holiday at the crucial time and never get back to me regarding my working visa, her substitute colleague has no idea about my case so she said just keep waiting. It is actually does not matter, ultimately it is God’s sovereignty where will I be and what will I be doing. It is just before I get my visa, I can not leave Germany. Or if I do not get the visa, then I have to leave. And it is very difficult to deal with the ambiguous situation now.
This is also not a bad thing that I won’t feel sorry I could not join master class in France, Holland, or elsewhere. I can work and do saving for trip to my friend’s wedding in Rome and to celebrate my birthday in UK. If it is possible for me to be in UK, that means I could come to “The Songwriter” concert in Oxford. That would be so wonderful. Of course I need the visa until then.
Recently, my priority is organ again and I did not manage to write a proper post about book and literature. I still need to find a way to balance this two important things to me. The week is so full that I do not even want to look at my planner for next week. My duties are running offices (again), practice organ, practice spinet, organ lesson, funeral, worship services, and organ concert.
The highlight of the week is my teacher’s organ concert “Von Psalmen umrahmt” (Framed by Psalms). The programme included Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (Psalm 23), Julius Reubke (The 94th Psalm), José Maria Usandizage.
It will be my first time listen to the live version of Sweelinck’s Psalm 23. I am very looking forward to my teacher’s interpretation of Reubke’s Psalm 94. Reubke composed only one organ piece, but the only one organ piece of him is one of the greatest organ works. It is my plan to learn José Maria Usandizage, so first learning by listening to a good live version.
About live concert. Recently, at a coffee table opposite to Killian’s church, a friend gave me the new catalogue of WKO Orchestra in Heilbronn. I cannot hide the joy to see the name on the first concert of the new season, what a pleasant surprise.

The night music I choose is inspired by the organ concert title “Von Psalmen umrahmt”.
Be still before the Lord
and wait patiently for him
Psalm 37,7