“I would like you to read as many as possible”

Besides my “around the world” and “non-fiction” reading plans, I also joined another two book challenges with my Instagram book friends. The challenges are “Kindle Crush Challenge” and “Neglected Faithfuls”. The “neglected faithfuls” challenge is to read the forgotten or neglected favourite author. I would like to read C.S. Lewis’ Narnia, his non-fiction books, also …

On wings of book, around the world (50 countries)

“Every Foreign Country a Homeland, Every Homeland a Foreign Country”, is my life motto. And this article by Gordon W. Lothrop shaped my perspective when I was younger. Every time I travel to new place, learning new things, reading new books, I am asking the question:“How do we treasure difference and yet find common values?” …

With white wings fluttering across the sea – Hamburg Diary

„With white wings fluttering across the sea“„Mit weißen Flügeln meerüberflatternde“ Der Gesang der OkeanidenHeinrich Heine In Hamburg, I stood on a bridge, watched seagulls fly and I think of this verse by Heinrich Heine. A verse from his poem „Der Gesang der Okeaniden“. „Meerüberflatternd“ Am I? Are you? I took an early train and luckily …

Baïlèro by Joseph Canteloube – This song give an answer to my post on 15.4.2021

April 15, 2021. In the blog post “蒹葭 / Reed / Schilf” I compare four poems and songs with the similar idea, that is, “my beloved is across the water, so close yet unreachable.” Water as symbol for obstacle that can not be overcome. The poems I compared were: Chinese Folk Poem – 《诗经 . …

Book Review: Two-Part Invention – The Story of a Marriage (The Crosswicks Journal, Book 4) by Madeline L’Engle

“Hugh and I were married at St. Chrysostom’s Church on January 26, 1946. … …There in the chapel of the church, Hugh and I made promises, promises which for forty years we have, by some grace, been able to keep.” – Madeline L’Engle Madeline was writing this memoir while accompanying her husband Hugh going through …