What is Christmas to you?
As for me, Christmas is when God left His paradise home. This picture is particularly vivid this Christmas after reading the book “Die Weisheit der Lilien” by Weifan Wang. A book that I encountered in a public bookcase not long ago.
“When Adam left paradise, we human began to feel
the feeling of spiritual loss.”
“The moment Adam left paradise,
the Creator’s search for human also began.”
“In Christ, God left paradise to seek us – the long lost
and mortal, to seek and save us.”
“Als Adam das Paradies verließ, began für uns
Menschen das Gefühl von spirituellen Verlust.”
“In dem Moment, als Adam das Paradies verließ,
began auch die Suche des Schöpfers nach der Menschheit.”
“In Christus verließ Gott das Paradies, um uns- lang
verlorene – Sterbliche zu suchen und zu retten.”
Die Weisheit der Lilien
Weifan Wang
Jesus Christ left His perfect paradise home to take us home. Why bother? If someone wants to live in mess, it is his or her choice, that someone should be responsible for the consequences, right? Why all these underappreciated efforts? Not everyone think they need help, let alone expect to say thank you. Until I realized I need His grace, I am glad that He came, before I noticed that I need Him.
He came so that I know He cares for us. The day He was born, there was no room for Him. He knows what is it to be homeless. Soon after He was born, King Herod executed the massacre of the innocents. He knows what is it to be a refugee, to be in an endangered situation. He has no record of sin, still sentenced to death, the cruellest, the worst imaginable death – crucifixion. He knows what injustice is. In time of agony, his closest friend betrayed and abandoned him. He knows what loneliness is. His name is “Immanuel” – God with us.
The ongoing war, injustice, sorrow of this world. He experienced and knows them when He left paradise to be with us in our misery. Most importantly, He came so that could find our way home, the way to our paradise home. I love this two quotes from Hildegard von Bingen.
“The Son of God becomes man so that man finds a home in God.”
“In music, God has left mankind the memory of the lost paradise.”
“Gottes Sohn wird Mensch, damit Mensch Heimat habe in Gott.”
“In der Musik hat Gott den Menschen die Erinnerung an das verlorene Paradies hinterlassen.”
Hildegard von Bingen.

This is my last post for this year, thank you so much for reading my blog. I will be posting again after 6th January 2024. If you like my blog, vlog and IG, you can consider to make a donation via:
I thank you in advance 😊 A merry Christmas and a happy new year!