Book Year 2023

My holiday read (Dec 2023) – The Hesitant Architect by M.K. Haka

“At what point did one’s youth become part of history?” Peter Hunter, the Cambridge alumnus revisit his university and felt he belonged to the past. But have he and Eleanor grew up since they left Cambridge? One becomes a best seller author, another one becomes a TV celebrity, both are Cambridge graduates, beyond dazzling and …

Book Review: Two-Part Invention – The Story of a Marriage (The Crosswicks Journal, Book 4) by Madeline L’Engle

“Hugh and I were married at St. Chrysostom’s Church on January 26, 1946. … …There in the chapel of the church, Hugh and I made promises, promises which for forty years we have, by some grace, been able to keep.” – Madeline L’Engle Madeline was writing this memoir while accompanying her husband Hugh going through …

Winter Journey (D.911): My selection of soundtrack for The Secret History (Chapter 1- 4) by Donna Tartt

I am in the chapter 5 of Donna Tartt’s The Secret History. The privileged, well-educated and moral-degraded college kids are getting more horrible page by page. I have only read 1/3 of the book, it is still too early to say anything definitive about the book. One thing for sure, Donna Tartt is an extraordinary …