I spent the first week of 2024 with corona at home. I have had plenty of time to pray, video call with friends and family, reflect on the 2023. I was reluctant to make plan for 2024, because my plan for 2023 has failed thoroughly.
Then one friend called, I help her a little bit with her wedding planning. Another friend called, we were gathering ideas for organizing her big birthday’s party. How wonderful, at last, some plans for 2024, to attend these two events. While everyone seems has wonderful thing to plan, and I, as usual, complaining I am unable to advance in every area that I wanted to. Stuck.
I might not have a plan for 2024 yet, but there are things I surely do not want. I do not want 2024 be another year of complaining, another year of making excuses for not advancing and I do not want to play God. God knows my deepest desire and He cares for me, no need to take over the thing that only He can do.
What can I do? I can rearrange my apartment and get an E-organ. It is a daunting task. A friend visited me, she suggested, instead of bed, I can get rid of shelves. I have packed my books into boxes and built 2 shelves that can fit into space between wardrobe. Once I signed the contract to buy the organ, those old shelves will go, and I am going to get a very tall and slim shelf for music score.
I am not 100 % sure to buy it yet, ultimately, buying an organ is very different to buying a pair of new shoes. At the moment, I am decluttering my apartment, shop for suitable furniture and pack boxes. My friend said: “As if you are moving house.”

I can clear space for an e-organ, that is for sure. As for money, God has been very good to provide me more jobs and I can pay with loan rates. It is very stressful, still, it is manageable and it is absolutely worth it. To be able to practice whenever I want to. Imagine an IT engineer, every time she/ he works, she/ he needs to see if there is a computer available, and only for certain time. It is of course understandable, I am totally for “the church belongs to everyone”. Where hence, to have my own organ is a solution to get my thing done.
One day, I was vacuuming, suddenly the power went out. An overloaded circuit could be the reason. Oh no, can the power in my old apartment support the e-organ? I need to find that out too. I will visit Augsburg soon for organ shopping.
Apart from that, my friend and I are planning an organ concert at Uppsala and a song conference in Copenhagen. The idea alone makes me happy although there are still many details need to arrange. And my working visa still on hold.
So this is my new year.
Pray and work, work and pray, pray and obey, obey and trust. Nothing can be done without God’s blessing, and every set back is still within His control.
New year’s wish?
I wish at the end of the year, we can say something like this:
“What marvellous adventures we have had!” (From “The Magic Faraway Tree” by Enid Blyton)
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The “ko-fi” you have bought is so much more than helping me with the maintenance fee, that you have taken The Journey seriously like I do, it means a lot to me. THANK YOU!
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Read more “The Journey”?
My New Year 2020 in Bristol (4 part short story)
- https://thejourney-writing.com/2020/01/new-year-part-1.html
- https://thejourney-writing.com/2020/01/new-year-part-2.html
- https://thejourney-writing.com/2020/01/new-year-part-3.html
- https://thejourney-writing.com/2020/01/new-year-part-4.html