Month: July 2023

“A voice had begun to sing!” The Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis

Reading the chapter eight to chapter nine of the book The Magician’s Nephew from The Chronicles of Narnia took my breath away. At first, I found myself in the darkness with Digory, Polly, Cabby and Strawberry. “This is an empty world. This is nothing!”“There were no stars. It was so dark that they couldn’t see …

Die Forelle as morning alarm, a very beautiful ritual to start the day 🎵🎶

I travelled and spent beautiful time with my little friend last week. Since I gave her “Schubert Sound Book” last year, she loves it so much that her parents got her Mozart and Bach. So “Schubert”, “Bach” and “Mozart” belong to her very first vocabulary next to “papa” and “mama”. The “Sound Book” series of …