I am so excited to return to Narnia this summer! I am going to reread the books that have great impact on my life. I could not agree more with the introduction written by Douglas Gresham (C.S. Lewis’ stepson):
“As you read the Chronicles of Narnia, let them carry you too to a place that you know well and store it in your mind. There will be times when you will need to go back to your Narnia to seek the kindliness and comfort of this magical land; when you do, you will find Aslan waiting for you.”
7 books in a row considered a big project, also my book is too heavy to carry around with me, I need to sit down at the table and read. To make my reading plan achievable, I have created a reading tracker. To me the reading tracker is like the dot of tube map while travel on the Tube, to show where am I exactly on this long journey of Narnia.
Since I have made the printable Narnia Reading Tracker for myself, I would like to make it available for free for everyone who might want to use it. Click the picture below to download it if you think it could be useful for you:
Click the picture to download the Reading Tracker 🙂
May be I will see you in Narnia?
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