About the book: Krabat by Otfried Preußler

Work harder, climb the career ladder, you will rule, be rich, famous, powerful, therefore more “freedom”. Is the true “freedom” really coming from this? Or we have become the slave to false promises? Usually, people with more power and wealth is trapped in fear. Many disasters happened out of this fear. Generally I ask, why kings started war and built grandiose tomb? Were they happy because of their possessions?
This devil’s curse is not unbreakable. The spell to break this curse is a mix from these 3 ingredients:

  1. The willpower to escape this curse
  2. Loyal friend
  3. Sacrificial Love

The author said:

What I have tried to portray with “Krabat” is the story of a young man who – at first out of curiosity and later in the hope of being able to secure an easy and beautiful life for himself in this way – gets involved with evil forces and is entangled in them; and how, by the strength of his will, with the support of a loyal friend and through the love of a girl who is prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice, he finally succeeds in breaking free of this entanglement again. That was my basic concept: I believe that “Krabat” should be measured by this.

Otfried Preußler, 1970.

The posts I mentioned “Krabat”


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