My good night story tonight is a story about Big Hat. I met Big Hat in the book Krabat by Otfried Preußler. The time I met him, I was at the beginning of being a self-employed musician from an employed musician. It was not an easy decision to make, everything would be very complicated. Like living expenses, insurances, tax, residential permit and etc.
All in all, I only live once, it’s too much of a sacrifice for me to work just to ensure my livelihood is secure. Wasted time is lost forever.
It is very interesting, many people have thought I aim to become a star organist as soon as they heard I have decided to go for self-employed. But people who know me very well, understand that I just want to have more liberty on my repertoire, working places and timetable. So that I can have more time for my family and friends, and for things (including my favourite organ pieces, The Journey platforms) that worth my time, to visit concerts that are important to me and etc.
In short, just like Big Hat!

“You must know, too, that Big Hat is a magician, perhaps the greatest magician there has ever been in Lusatia, and that’s saying something. None of us here knows half as much of the Art of Arts as Big Hat has in his little finger. Yet he has remained a journeyman all his life, not wanting to be a master miller or anything greater, like a bailiff or a justice, maybe, or a courtier even, though he easily could have been, if he had wanted. But there you are, he didn’t. And why not? Because he’s his own master, and so he means to remain, a free man going from mill to mill as it suits him in summertime, with no one to give him orders or take orders from him—that’s what he likes, and by heaven, that’s what I’d like too if I could choose!”
From “Krabat” by Otfried Preußler
PS I cannot thank you enough for my new cup of coffees, the coffees keep me writing!
Your support is important to keep The Journey going, do you want to buy me a cup of coffee? 😉