On a blogpost in November last year, I’ve written:
I do not know what exactly has begun or what has come to an end in order to create space for a new beginning, but it is certainly a new beginning with hope.
It was on 29.11.2022, the 1st Advent. Today, when I am organising my pictures, I saw this picture of my plant Begonia I took on 30.11.2022. One of many new beginnings since 30.11.2022 is this stem. After a month, there is a new leaf coming out from the stem. A new stem on 1st Advent and a new leaf on new year’s day, the plant is reminding me of His presence and He will make thing new. He loves to create, moreover, He loves what He has created, including you and me, just read the Creation Story.
“God looked at everything He had made, and He was very pleased.”
For the year 2023, I will be open minded, be curious, be courageous to whatever He has prepared for me. If you’ve read my previous Blog, I talked about my new year’s wishes and resolution. Both of them are inspired by the book – The Journey to the River Sea by Eva Ibbotson.
Maia was reading this sentence in a book, the book says:
“For whether a place is a hell or a heaven rests in yourself, and those who go with courage and an open mind may find themselves in Paradise.”
Maia looked up from the book. I can do it, she vowed. I can make it a heaven and I will!
My new year resolution, wherever I set my feet on, as long as it is the place that He want me to be in, I can make it a heaven and I will!
“And you’ll come and see me in the play?” Clovis.
“I promise,” said Maia. “I absolutely promise.”
This can be my New Year wishes. Visit good quality concerts in places I’ve never been, like Teatro Amazonas, Sydney Opera House, Philharmonie de Paris and you name it.
Action speak louder than word, a friend ordered a ticket to Philharmonie de Paris for me, she gave it to me on new year day. This seems to becoming true. Since CORONA, I’ve learned that everything can change at the last second. Therefore, I am thankful for every concert I can attend. Also, not every wish is within human ability, but if it’s His plan, nothing is impossible.
Despite of headache since 31.12.2022 , yes, exactly on the concert day, I survived. I survived the year, the concerts, the worship services with a thankful heart. Tomorrow, life goes on, it begins with a funeral to play.
Keep focusing on good thing is essential. It is like learning music, if I want to play music well, I will learn from good examples. I do not listen to bad quality music so that I know how bad it could be, I am not sure about my other musician friends, but I would avoid that. I think may be that is the reason God forbade Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, because God want them to only know about GOOD THING.
Anyway, because human beings are not perfect, because we do not live in heaven, disappointment will definitely be there. It is hurt, when I’ve trusted someone and that someone trampled my trust and hope. However, being mistreated did not give me a pass to be mean. On contrary, I must learn from the lesson and be kind. Because it is hurtful and I do not want to hurt anyone purposely. If I still want to keep my promises when someone breaks them? Of course, because I want to be a noble person who keeps her word.
This inspiration comes from a book I am reading- A Matter of Death and Life by Irvin D. Yalom and Marilyn Yalom. A true life love story, they celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary on 27 June (about 2018). At the curtain call of their life, they were reflecting on what matters most in the end. Marilyn Yalom said:
“Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind.” – Henry James
I hope to adhere to this dictum even as I anguish over my personal situation.
(Her health was declining when she wrote this, and she died on 20th November 2019)
So whatever is thrown to me, I hope to be kind like Marilyn Yalom’s determination.
For the year 2023, I will be kind and also be open minded, be curious, be courageous.

My previous posts about new year:
Coffee time 😉 :