Between the years, I am reading the book The Journey to the River Sea. I am now at chapter two, and I am almost highlighting every sentence in the book. Some of them are really good messages, they come to me on time before new year.
Maia, an orphan, Londoner, must travel to Amazon River town of Manaus when her distant cousins (in Manaus) are discovered. At the day Maia knew about this news, she read books about Amazon river and the city Manaus.
“And another two weeks on the boat I shall reach the city of Manaus, which is a beautiful place with a theatre with a green and golden roof … … ”
It was in year 1910, people still travelling on ship. On her journey from England to Amazon, she met Clovis, an actor boy, very talented, he was being exploited by the acting company. The most important thing is, he has a show in the theatre – Teatro Amazonas, which Maia read about it from a book.
“And you’ll come and see me in the play?” Clovis.
“I promise,” said Maia. “I absolutely promise.”
This can be my New Year wishes. Visit good quality concerts in places I’ve never been, like Teatro Amazonas, Sydney Opera House, Philharmonie de Paris and you name it.
The quote below is dear to my heart. Maia was reading this sentence in a book, the book says:
“For whether a place is a hell or a heaven rests in yourself, and those who go with courage and an open mind may find themselves in Paradise.”
Maia looked up from the book. I can do it, she vowed. I can make it a heaven and I will!
This can be my new year resolution, wherever I set my feet on, as long as it is the place that He want me to be in, I can make it a heaven and I will!
And when I visit a Café in the place, I would be happy to have a cup of coffee 😉