
In You is joy

“So that they go home with a joyful heart.”Ton Koopman Since I attended his masterclass. “A joyful heart” as souvenir to the audience has become what I aim for every time I play organ. Joy is not something shallow like simply saying “don’t worry, be happy”, nor the optimism build on the air. Joy is …

Winter Journey (D.911): My selection of soundtrack for The Secret History (Chapter 1- 4) by Donna Tartt

I am in the chapter 5 of Donna Tartt’s The Secret History. The privileged, well-educated and moral-degraded college kids are getting more horrible page by page. I have only read 1/3 of the book, it is still too early to say anything definitive about the book. One thing for sure, Donna Tartt is an extraordinary …

Die Forelle as morning alarm, a very beautiful ritual to start the day 🎵🎶

I travelled and spent beautiful time with my little friend last week. Since I gave her “Schubert Sound Book” last year, she loves it so much that her parents got her Mozart and Bach. So “Schubert”, “Bach” and “Mozart” belong to her very first vocabulary next to “papa” and “mama”. The “Sound Book” series of …