Dad says October, October, …
He never says my name once when he can say it twice, like it’s the words to a song and the sound rises like music.
October, October
Katya Balen
A girl called October is raised in the woods by her father. Her mother is a city girl lives in London. They both love October very much in very different ways, they always have October’s best at their heart. On her 11 years old birthday, she rescued an baby owl. By taking care of the baby owl Stig, and eventually let Stig back to the nature where she belongs, October gained understanding for her parents. She made new friends in London, she found treasures at Thames river. Woods or London, October can be brilliant at both magical places:
“I am wild in the woods and wild in the city and I have a foot stamped in each world and it’s wonderful. The lines of my life scribble over the edges of these magical places and there’s brilliance in both.”
October is my favourite month, one of many reasons is:
“October is the best month … … It’s when the trees are starting to shake leaves on to a patchwork floor and the ground is bright as fire. The air is crisp with a whisper of frost and the sky smells like smoke. Everything feels new and exciting.”
It will be more exciting, when two friends travel together and jump into each other’s stories and create more stories while seeing the world.
“There is still so much to see and do and Yusuf and I are going to travel the world and find wildness wherever we go. There are stories everywhere and I want to tell them all. And all the world is wild and waiting for me.”
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