Month: May 2022

My very amateur thoughts on “Sounds and Sweet Airs”

Anna Beer inspecting the lives of eight exceptional women composers in Western classical music. It starts with Francesca Caccini (1587 – 1641) and ends with Elizabeth Maconchy (1907-1994). Beer’s narrative style is clear and vivid, it was nearly impossible to put down the book once I started to read it. Gender inequality reflected at best …

Book Review: Ai Qing Selected Poems

Ai Qing Selected Poems (EN)Translated by Robert DorsettAi Qing Schnee fällt aus Chinas Erde Gedichte (DE)Aus dem Chinesischen übertragen, kommentiert und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Susanne Hornfeck Ai Qing (1910- 1999)Ai Qing is a Chinese poet that I respect, but his writing style is not necessarily my favourite. There are still some of his …