Souvenir from my little friend

One day, I found this crystal in my handbag. No clue at all where it came from. This riddle has been puzzling me all morning. Somehow, I think of the chandelier in my friend’s dining room, the shape of the crystal looks similar to the crystal of her chandelier.

I texted her with this picture and asked if it is her crystal. She said, yes! One puzzle after another puzzle, how this crystal ended up in my handbag? She said, may be my daughter (9 months old)! How can she reach the chandelier in the dining room? And climb the great distance to my handbag in living room? And have done such a complicated act without us noticing?

“Es lässt sich nicht erklären!”
“It cannot be explained!” my friend said.

The crystal – this little souvenir from my “little” friend is like a memory kaleidoscope. The memory of wonderful time with her comes back to me every time I see the souvenir.

Because the “Schubert Sound Book” is my gift to her, her mother insisted it is a ritual that I read the book to her at arrival. After that we went to playground, she slide and swing. If we did not move on, she could keep sliding and swinging until the sun went down.

Anyway, we went on to say “Hi!” to the great poet Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (1759 – 1805). Here I tried to take a we-fie , but this smart little friend was faster than I to press the button. Her mom said, she had to write in her diary that my little friend has taken the first selfie in her life!

On the way back to her home, she slept. Her grandparents, her mom and I were having afternoon tea with fresh strawberry cake. She woke up, we took turns to play with her or clearing the table or just enjoying the time being together.

It was almost time to have dinner, her dad came home. I was setting the table in the dining room, her dad was holding her while talking to us. And the mystery solved, she was playing with the chandelier while her dad was holding her.

After dinner, her dad get her ready for bed, changed her diaper, cleaned her, put on pajama. But my little friend had no intention to sleep yet. Her mom asked: “Shall we read one more book?” She pointed at her “Mozart Sound Book”. And I think this was a good choice, for The book says: If you hear the music from Papageno’s magical chimes, sweet dream is guaranteed. I never have heard it, if you happen to hear it, tell me if it is true.

So klingt Mozart
Klassik für Kinder (Soundbuch)