It is one of the most beautiful words in the German language, one of the most beautiful traits of the German essence, a term that, for example, the French would envy us fervently….
Es gehört mit zu den schönsten Worten der deutschen Sprache, zu den schönsten Zügen des deutschen Wesens, ein Begriff, um den uns z.B. die Franzosen glühend beneiden ….
Wolf von Niebelschütz (1913 – 1960)
Mörike – Das Phänomen des Leisen (1947)
“Vergnügt” is the word. This word is not an everyday word. It is very tricky to translate this word, I could not find a word in English that can reflect the meaning of it exactly. Here are several explanation and translation that I have found.

The dictionary says it means cheerful and happy.
Cheerful and happy are only part of the whole definition. In the essay that I mentioned above, Wolf von Niebelschütz pointed out “vergnügt” occurs in the lyrics of two songs:
- “Bist du bei mir” by J.S. Bach
- “Gebet” by Eduard Mörike / Hugo Wolf
Therefore, I looked into the available translations of the lyrics. And I have found out more complete meaning of the word, which are, blessed and content.

When I read the lyric “prayer” by Mörike, there is inconsistency in it. The first part, the poet shown his total submission to God’s plan. He would be content (vergnügt) with whatever that comes from God. However, the second part, he prays that: “Please do not overwhelmed me with either joy or sorrow.” Actually, he is praying for “moderation”. That’s mean, he might not be very sincere with “total submission”?
This is the reason why I love Mörike’s poem, in it lies a gem of wisdom about how to end my life journey well. When I am investigating the motive behind asking God for moderation, it is reminding me of a quote from Proverbs.
I ask you, God, to let me have two things before I die: keep me from lying, and let me be neither rich nor poor. So give me only as much food as I need. If I have more, I might say that I do not need You. But if I am poor, I might steal and bring disgrace on my God.
Proverbs 30:8
On appearance, he is asking for moderation; Ultimately he is praying for walk closely with God to the end. I hope this would be my case, then in my funeral, I can confidently have the song – “Bist du bei mir” by J.S. Bach.
Be thou with me and I’ll go gladly….
Ah, how my end would bring contentment….
Bist du bei mir, geh ich mit Freuden….
Ach, wie vergnügt wär so mein Ende….