Let me introduce you the popular dessert among Chinese and Japanese – the red bean soup. Culturally, red bean is a symbol of faithful love, according to the Chinese poet Wang Wei (701-761). He wrote:
Red beans grow in south,
new branches come with the spring.
I advice you to cherish them,
for they can most represent the lover that keeping each other in memory.
Wang Wei‘s poem was referring to an ancient fairy tale, a romantic love story that connect to the red bean tree. Put aside the romantic love story, alone by cooking and drinking the red bean soup can let me feel happiness stir within me. And the reason of its popularity is mostly because of its taste if compare to the love story.
“Red bean” is also a popular song in year 1998 sung by Faye Wong. I remember I listened to her tape (the CD was not yet popular), kept repeating this song until I memorize the lyrics. The lyrics is graceful, reserved, quoting Chinese idioms like 天长地久,永垂不朽,细水长流. Later, in year 2009, this song was popular again as Khalil Fong cover the song, which I also listened a lot at that time. Below is an excerpt of the lyrics and my version of translation:
有时候 有时候
Sometimes, sometimes
I would believe everything has an end
It is always time for reunion and parting
Nothing would last forever
可是我 有时候
But I, sometimes,
choose to treasure the memory
Until we have seen through all the scenery on the earth
也许你会陪我 看细水长流
Perhaps, we would together enjoy the view of tiny stream that run long.
《红豆》Lyrics: 林夕 Music: 柳重言
PS A big thank you to my sister, who helped me look for the interpretation of the Wang Wei’s poem in my old text book at home.