JK Rowling’s idea about “platform 9 3/4” might have borrowed from Eva Ibbotson’s The Secret of Platform 13. A book that I really enjoying reading it, first in German, then one more time in English. What do I like about the book? I will try my best to tell you without being a spoiler.
1. The unconventional tale, namely a hag rescues a prince. The hag was in the prince-rescuer-team, they’re 4 rescuers.
2. The prince was not the charming prince on a white horse, but he was able to conquer hearts like this:
A boy with light hair and a friendly , intelligent face. He was dressed in jeans and a sweater – and he was working. On a low table stood a row of shoes – shoes of all shapes and sizes: boots and ladies’ high-heeled sandals and gentlemen’s laceups – and the boy was cleaning them. Not just rubbing a cloth over them, but working in the polish with a will – and as he worked, he whistled; they could just hear him through the open slit at the top of the window.
And the rescuers turned to each other and smiled, for they could see that the Prince had been taught to work; that he wasn’t being brought up spoilt and selfish as they had feared. … … the willing way in which he polished other people’s shoes, was a sign of the best possible breeding. This was a prince who would know how to serve others, as did his parents.
3. The chapter 9 made me burst into tears, I view it as a reflection on how music sometimes not being understood and appreciated. Especially this year, music been labeled as non-essential by government all over the world. This chapter was describing Raymond had the privilege to watch the extremely rare magic show, so rare that “There had been nothing like it for a hundred years.”
For example the tree spirits’ dance:
The dance they (tree spirits) did was as ancient as Stonehenge – only three humans had been allowed to watch it in a thousand years – and Raymond Trottle sat there, moving his gobstopper from side to side – and yawned.
And the highlight of the whole show was to perform the nuckelavee. In order to perform this, the wizard Cor read book, did research and practiced “monster-raising-spell” again and again, and still afraid that he would failed. At last, Cor with the spell had called the nuckelavee successfully.
No one could take their eyes off him (nuckelavee); they were entranced! To be able to see a living body in this way – to be allowed to study the marvellous working of the muscles and nerves and glands – was an honour they could hardly believe, and a young cousin of the troll called Henry Prendergast decided then and there to become a doctor.Of course, they should have known what was to come. They should have known that Raymond Trottle would spoil this amazing and wonderful moment – a moment so special that none of them forgot it as long as they lived. They should have known that this boy with his bulging cheeks and piggy eyes would hurt and insult this awe-inspiring creature, and he did.
‘Eeek!’ said Raymond. ‘Ugh! It’s disgusting; it’s creepy. I don’t like it!’ … …
Raymond shrugged. ‘Well, I dunno. I don’t think I fancy it.’ And then. ‘You didn’t make gold, did you? I thought all wizards could make gold. Can you make it?’
‘Certainly we can make it. Your Highness. Any wizard worth his salt can make gold, but it isn’t very interesting to watch.’ … …
He (wizard Cor) didn’t even bother to get out his wand or to consult his book of spells. Making gold is something wizards learn to do in the nursery.
4. When I read about the mistmaker, my heart is melting. What is mistmaker? He is an animal that desperate for music, even if he was at the brink of death, he could not help but continue to listen to music. When the wonderful music played… …
“And now he was where he wanted to be – where he absolutely had to be, facing that wonderful sound!” … …
“The mistmaker made his way into the middle of the room and sat down. Never, never had he heard anything so beautiful! The fur on the back of his neck lifted; he shivered with happiness; his ear lobes throbbed.” … …
“Once more he gave himself up to the beauty of the music; once more he sighed. But he was getting thinner now; he was no longer pillow shaped.”
5. The Secret of Platform 13 ended with a big surprise! I love surprises, that’s why unwrapping gifts is very exciting.
‘Perhaps we should have told you,
only I love surprises and I thought maybe you do too.’
‘Well, yes, I do actually.’