Featured – Literature

Red Bean

  Let me introduce you the popular dessert among Chinese and Japanese – the red bean soup. Culturally, red bean is a symbol of faithful love, according to the Chinese poet Wang Wei (701-761). He wrote:  紅豆生南國,春來發幾枝。Red beans grow in south, new branches come with the spring. 願君多采擷,此物最相思。I advice you to cherish them, for they can most represent …

“A Glutton for Punishment”

“A glutton for punishment” means someone who seems to enjoy doing something that you consider unpleasant, according to Cambridge Dictionary.  “A glutton for punishment” is also a title of Richard Yates’ short story in his “Eleven Kinds of Loneliness” short stories collection. In this story, he described the day when Walter Henderson has been fired.  It …