The first week in January, I was planning to get my own organ. Second week in January, more jobs coming in. Third week in January, I went to Augsburg for organ shopping and ordered one. Yesterday, a friend helped me remove some of my old furniture. The day after tomorrow, a new shelf is arriving.
Remake my room, decluttering, cooking, cleaning, working. Every day, I am very tired and I feel like I need to sleep at least 10 hours each day. Bit by bit, I am preparing my apartment for my new organ. My friends make fun of me and say I am like setting up the nursery for the delivery of my baby – new organ.
Apropos baby. My spinett is my first born, I have not think of a name yet. Spinett will be the big sister to her little brother organ. What about Gretel and Hansel? Gretel means “pearl”; Hansel means “Gift from God” and “God is gracious”. “Hansel and Gretel” in Grimms’ fairy tales were brave children that love each other, never give up and conquered evil. I like them!
On my last post, I talked about my failures. When I was travelling to Augsburg alone, away from my duties and familiar circumstances, I am reflecting on them. My conclusion is:
I welcome failures, if they teach me to lean on the promise that God will provide everything I need for the work He assigns me to do. Also, I have nothing to boast about when things are successful. Because it is God who makes things work. The burden suddenly become light and this prevents me to become the proud person that I dislike.
So when my organ arrives, it is definitely Hansel.
“So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.”
– 1 Corinthians 3:7

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This post is a following post from the post:
A post about meeting my Spinett on 24.2.2022 for the first time.