Met up with Spinett

This is the place where I met my future potential Spinett. I arrived a bit earlier than the appointment and I had a little moment of Waldeinsamkeit (me-time in the wood) here. See the icing (Sahnehäubchen) on the mountain top? Sweet is the view.

First time in my life that I saw so many black birds at one time. I wanted to take some pictures or videos, but it was snowing and my camera is not weather sealed so I didn’t. It was great that I could just enjoyed the wood without any other distraction.

Since I am purchasing a Spinett, I have to learn the structure of the instrument, the name of each part, which material and the pros and cons. That is why the action of purchasing a Spinett occupied my mind and time.

The highest criteria for my Spinett is the quality of sound, even if it means to pay more. I have to be very motivated to practice on it every day, how its sound must be able to encourage me to practice. E-piano and E-organ are no go to me, they just could not react to my touch on the keyboard, I feel like I am talking to myself and no one is responding.

Good quality of sound and can last very long, the Spinett that I met in this mountain belong to the category. If I buy this Spinett, I am going to feel sorry for it, because I do not have this beautiful view of mountain, the Spinett might suffer homesick. Wait! There are a few black birds in my garden that sing wonderfully can help the Spinett ease the homesick.

It is reckless enough to leave the job without having a concrete plan afterward. Moreover, use emergency fund to purchase a music instrument! Well, if I want to sell food, I need a kitchen to prepare food. It is also my character that I am very selective, but once I have chosen something, I will stick with it.

Anyway, money can be earned again, if I am so lucky to have met a good Spinett, I think I should not let it go. I think I am going to have an answer very soon.


The “Waldeinsamkeit” is kind of German culture, more information please see the post: