It plays the song in two voices! How is that possible?

The coffee grinder was fine: as soon as you rotated the crank, it played ” May makes everything new… “. But, oh wonder – it played it in two voices!
How is that possible? Can you explain it?

Die Kaffeemühle war in Ordnung : Sobald man die Kurbel drehte, spielte sie “Alles neu macht der Mai … ” Doch, o Wunder – sie spielte es zweistimmig!
Wie das nur möglich ist? Kannst du dir das erklären?

The Robber Hotzenplotz / Der Räuber Hotzenplotz
Book by Otfried Preußler

It’s May! It’s time to share with you my favourite Preußler’s book – The Robber Hotzenplotz, I love this book next to Krabat. Why I love this book? What is the relationship of this book and the month of May?

I love coffee, I love songs. In this story, there is a coffee grinder that can play the song “May Makes Everything New”. This coffee grinder belongs to Kasperl’s grandmother. Sadly, the robber Hotzenplotz robbed the special coffee grinder. It caused sorrow upon sorrow. Not only the coffee grinder has gone, Kasperl and Seppel were trapped as slaves.

When it seemed no way out, but, oh wonder, happy ending. Read the book for how it turned out well, it is worth the read!

The wonder of wonders is the coffee grinder now sings in two voices! How is that possible? No one can really explain this. If something can be explained, it is not a wonder. Or maybe it’s May, because May Makes Everything New!


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    • 旧地重游的心情 How does it feel like to visit a place for the 2nd time?
    • 卢浮宫 The Louvre
    • 巴黎咖啡馆 Parisian Café
    • 法式晚餐 French Dinner
    • 蒙马特 Montmartre
    • 圣心堂 Basilica of the Sacré-Cœur
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