The flowering knows no end
… Now all must change.
Das Blühen will nicht enden.
… Nun muss sich Alles, Alles wenden.
Faith in Spring// Frühlingsglaube
Johann Ludwig Uhland

I was away for a couple of days. When I came home, I discovered many new baby flowers have come out. Immediately, Schubert’s song – Faith in Spring played in my head. The line “the flowering knows no end” came to my mind, and then the last line “Now, poor heart, forget your torment, now all must change.” A good song is like a good friend, it cheers me up.
PS Please visit this post to see how my Begonia plant looked like last week.

Yes, now all must change. And I saw how the weather has changed today within half an hour.
I enjoyed my days away from home. But I enjoy being at home too, home is where my books are. From the titles of all these books, I composed a poem in German language and translated it into English (scroll down).

Heul doch nicht, du lebst ja noch
Es geschehen noch Zeichen und Wunder
Im Wechsel des Jahres
Am Ende des Schweigens
Vom Ende der Einsamkeit
Hast du uns endlich gefunden?
So bist du mir Heimat geworden
Ein ganzes Leben
Das Leben leise lernen
English translation:
Don’t cry, you’re still alive
Signs and wonders still happen
At the turn of the year
At the end of silence
At the end of loneliness
Have you finally found us?
You have become my home
A whole life
and softly
we learn to live
Music of the day: Faith in Spring
Full text and translation:
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