Bremen is the starting point, not the destination.

“A donkey, old and tired out,
Is of no use, there is no doubt.”

The four old and unwanted animals decided to go to Bremen and become musicians there. A timeless Grimms’ fairy tale. This English adaptation of the story bring new light to it. Kestutis Kasparavicius’ illustration is my favourite.

A donkey, a dog, a cat and a cock found each other, they shared the same fate, all their lifetime they were being exploited by their owner. However, they allowed themselves a new life. Their shared dream was to become Town-Musicians in Bremen.

On the way to Bremen, they met robbers. However, together they were so strong to chase away the robbers. They have learned from this incident, it was not about Bremen at all, it was their togetherness in music that make them strong.

Bremen is just a starting point, not the destination. With the friend that belong to each other, they can travel to anywhere with their music.

And every day they sing a song,
For here they feel they now belong.

Together they are such a sight!

The Bremen Town-Musicians

Book: Bremen Town Musician (EN) – Pauline Hejl/ James Krüss
Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten (DE)
Illustration: Kestutis Kasparavicius
Book bought from an online 2nd hand book store

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