“You made it (Grießbrei) yourself?” Barbara asked her husband Walter Schmidt.
“What do you think? Helmut?” Barbara’s husband replied. Helmut is their dog.
“You made semolina soup (Grießbrei) for me?” Barbara asked again.
This conversation in my currently reading made me laugh. I think, for Barbara, either Helmut the dog or Walter Schmidt the husband cooked were both unbelievable, because her husband never cook until she fell sick.
Please do not feel offended if you do not know how to prepare Grießbrei, I have not even heard of Grießbrei before I came to Germany. German kitchen is a whole new world to me, but I have two very good cookbooks for beginner.

I love to learn new easy recipe like preparing Grießbrei. Let’s folllow Barbara’s husband to cook Grießbrei. My favourite recipe for Summer!
Very basic recipe of Semolia Soup:
- Bring 1 litre of milk to boil with lemon zest.
- Mix together 60g Semolina and 60g sugar.
- Add to the milk while stirring.
- Leave to soak for 5 minutes without a lid.
- Add your favourtie fruit jam and serve hot or cold.

Book: Barbara Stirbt Nicht
Author: Alina Bronsky
Publisher: @kiwi_verlag
2nd hand book received from a friend.