Book Review: The Happiness Passport

What makes us happy?

The Happiness Passport (EN)
Atlas of Happiness (DE)

Author: Megan Hayes
Illustration: Yelena Bryksenkova
Book bought from a local bookstore

What is happiness? This book brings us to different places of the world and introduces us the definition of “happiness” from each culture. In total, 50 secrets of happiness could be found here. I speak Chinese and German is the language I’m learning, let’s see what is the secret of happiness from China and Germany.

Chinese: 养生 Yang Sheng / Healthy Lifestyle
Indeed, I remember I saw people were practicing Qi Gong or Tai Chi early morning in the garden. In winter, even winter swimming! To preserve health is day to day habits, and those little habits change life.

German: Waldeinsamkeit / Forest Solitude
I am not German, but this is my favourite thing to do, to have a long walk in the nature alone. After the long walk, the burden seems to be not that heavy anymore and I gain strength. Back to the nature and heal by the nature.
PS German friends, do you agree with this?

Share with you a German poem about “Woodland Solitude”, scroll down for English translation.

Robert Franz Arnold

Wir müssen, Geliebteste,leise
Hinschreiten, ich und du.
Es schläft eine Sangesweise
In Waldes nächtlicher Ruh.

Verstummt sind Winde und Wellen
Und aller Singvöglein Mund,
Schweigend rinnen die Quellen
Blank über moosigen Grund.

Des Mondlichts stiller Reigen
Durchspielt das Buchengeheg,
Es schlummert in süssem Schweigen
Ein silberner Streif am Weg.

Die Wolken selber droben
Schweben auf Flügeln breit
Und schauen vom Glanz umschwoben
In die Waldeseinsamkeit.

Woodland solitude
Robert Franz Arnold

We must, best beloved, gently
Go on our way, I and you.
A song’s melody sleeps now
In the forest’s nocturnal peace.

Wind and waves have fallen silent,
And all the little song birds,
The springs flow silently
Shining through mossy valleys.

The moonlight’s silent dance
Flickers through the beeches,
A silver strand slumbers in sweet silence
By the wayside.

The clouds themselves up above
Float on extended wings
And gaze, surrounded by radiance,
Into the woodland solitude.

Translation © Richard Stokes, author of The Book of Lieder, published by Faber, provided courtesy of Oxford Lieder (