Book Review: Hundred

Hundred (EN)
Hundert (DE)
總有一天你會懂 / 你想过怎样的一生 (CH)

Author: Heike Faller
Illustration: Valerio Vidali
Book bought from online 2nd hand book store

As you turn the page, one year passed by. From age 0 to age 99, each year is concluded in one sentence and one picture. Full of life wisdom, reading it also reminding me of all kind of tastes of life I had experienced.

The event of life of course cannot be generalized as in the book, what I like about the book is its perspective of storytelling. One year, one page, compact in a book. If I don’t want to feel regret in the future, how should I make my choices today? What had I learned each year? Am I maturing each year and closer to the person I want to be? If I die one day, how would people remember me? A kind person?