Some friends are asking about the progress of my first play since I published ‘Haven’t you heard about “Freischütz”?‘ on my blog. This post is about the progress til now. To be honest, it is developing really slowly. Though the stranded status of my first play, there are some points noted down. Those friends are happy about the spooky love story content like I have mentioned in ‘Haven’t you heard about “Freischütz”?‘ , some wish that the play has a happy ending, some wish that the play is without dead fox. So the criteria for my first play are:
– Love story
– Spooky
– Happy Ending
– Without dead fox
– Spooky
– Happy Ending
– Without dead fox
Dead fox? To understand this please read: Haven’t you heard about “Freischütz”?
And these criteria make me start to think about which love story has been unforgettable beautiful to me? Here are three stories from book, movie and real life respectively.
1. Book
Ein ganzes Leben by Robert Seethaler.

2. Movie
Arwen and Aragorn in The Lord of the Rings.
3. Real Life
When I was working in Heilbronn, part of my job was to accompany worship service in retirement home on every Saturday afternoon. One Saturday, after a worship service, as I was walking toward bus station, a voice stopped me.
“May I walk awhile with you?” an old man was talking and walking in an unhurried tempo.
“Of course, are you going to have a walk in the wood before your dinner?” I slowed down my pace and asked. The retirement home is next to a nature reserve.
“No, I’m going home, I come to the worship service here because it’s near to my home. My late wife used to walk with me.” He replied.
“I’m sorry about your loss. How long have you been missing her?”
“Nearly 2 years, and we have been married for 70 years.”
“That’s truly romantic!”
“Not always, we quarreled too. But a life with her is the best thing that happened to me.”
That’s the best love story I have heard in real life, but before I respond, he changed topic.
“Hey, thank you for playing piano here.”
“My pleasure.”
“I have to turn right now, nice talking to you, have a nice evening.”
“Thank you, and same to you, nice evening.”
That’s all for now. I’m curious about what kind of inspiration will strike me next time.
“May I walk awhile with you?” an old man was talking and walking in an unhurried tempo.
“Of course, are you going to have a walk in the wood before your dinner?” I slowed down my pace and asked. The retirement home is next to a nature reserve.
“No, I’m going home, I come to the worship service here because it’s near to my home. My late wife used to walk with me.” He replied.
“I’m sorry about your loss. How long have you been missing her?”
“Nearly 2 years, and we have been married for 70 years.”
“That’s truly romantic!”
“Not always, we quarreled too. But a life with her is the best thing that happened to me.”
That’s the best love story I have heard in real life, but before I respond, he changed topic.
“Hey, thank you for playing piano here.”
“My pleasure.”
“I have to turn right now, nice talking to you, have a nice evening.”
“Thank you, and same to you, nice evening.”
That’s all for now. I’m curious about what kind of inspiration will strike me next time.