Lent 2020

Lent is 40 days of preparation for Easter. Christian choose to give up something such as chocolate, alcohol, social networking, etc., during the Lent season. They each have their own reason of practicing lent . Not everyone practicing lent has a spiritual reason, more about getting rid of bad habits or being healthy.  However, my reason is to ponder on Passion and Resurrection of Jesus. I asked questions like: 

What motivated Jesus to walk the path that lead to the cross? Love. He modeled what generosity looks like when He sacrificed His life on cross. Therefore, my plan for this Lent would be be generous with time. 

I will wake up earlier to send you to train station, so that we can have breakfast together before you jump on train. 
I will arrive earlier so that we can share hot waffle with ice-cream on top before my rehearsal start. 
I will make an afternoon available to bake a cake for you. 
I will invite you over for lunch just want to pamper you with delicious Indonesian food. 
I will sing with the choir for your funeral service. 
I will take leave and travel to play organ on your wedding service. 
I will be at your birthday celebration. 
I will be there to witness your first ballet performance. 
I will join you for a road trip. 
I will stay up a little bit more to write story to entertain you. 

And you have a place in my schedule.