At Easter 2022, I left my previous occupation as a church musician and started new life as a self-employed musician. Shortly before the Easter, I still have many vacation days available, so I travelled to Freiburg, Dresden, Postdam and Berlin for spinett shopping plus visiting my favourite concerts (Schubert’s Winterreise, Bach’s family). I remembered it was a wonderful time. It was also a very sad time, a new war has begun. I still remember at the Berlin main train station, I saw how the refugees from Ukraine were arriving.
My friends from Heidelberg were in Berlin during the time. We had tea in my hotel room, went to worship service at Gedächtniskirche, had lunch together in a very crowded Vietnamese restaurant. I filmed a lot too. Berlin was like a new home to me. I came back to my job, I had very busy Holy week and Easter season with the church. After that, I jumped in at the deep end of self-employed musician life. I finally owned my very first instrument, spinett.
Fast forward to Easter 2023. I decided to have Easter holiday like everybody in Germany after so many years not able to do it as a church musician. I went to Paris for J.S. Bach St. Matthew Passion, I had a truly great and fun time with my friends in Paris. I visited my favourite friends in Heidelberg, together, we kept our tradition of going to The Heidelberg Spring Music Festival since our college time. After that, I travelled solo to the charming Regensburg. I was so inspired by everything I saw, listened, tasted that all flowed into my travel vlogs, you can view it on my YouTube channel.
How I miss travelling and making video, at the moment sadly I do not have capacity for this. Still I am super thankful for all the job I can do now to finance my organ. I can barely keep my blog and Instagram going, and I am grateful for that. This Holy Week and Easter will be busy with church again, however, I planned a getaway to Leipzig in between for J.S. Bach.
Yes, this year, approaching the 2nd anniversary of my new life since 2022 Easter, the Lord had sent me an organ. Now I have a spinet and an organ. The organ arrived on 14.2.2024, Valentine’s day and Ash Wednesday, what a day. How depressive I was to stay in the job and how scary it was to leave the job. After these two years, I think the story of phoenix rising from ash is true. It was not without troubles and frustrations, they are necessary to build my faith to do things that He wants me to do. I need not to worry, as if worry would help, in fact, it would not. I was not always doing the right things, even so, my every wrong turn was calculated by the almighty God to bring me to the destination. He planned, He prepared everything I need, and I follow the Father who loves me, who has my best interests at heart.
Spring is coming, how I love this song.
The Journey can only flourish because of your support. I thank you for every past donation, they are for the maintenance fee for the website and my Youtube channel. Please feel free to enjoy The Journey for free and don’t forget to buy me a cup of coffee sometimes.
Read more?
Schriftstellorganistin (October 21, 2021). Before leaving my job as an employed church musician.
Met up with Spinett (February 24, 2022). Two years ago, I met my spinet. A wonderful instrument.
The first week of self-employed organist and writer life (April 28, 2022). The first taste of the life I imagined to have.
The Journey Vlog: