The coming Sunday, 18th June is Father’s Day. Let me take the opportunity of this special day to share with you a touching memory of a son as he remembered his father. He called his father “Jack”, but his name is C.S. Lewis, the creator of Narnia.
Jack was a man who lived what he believed, and if he thought that something was right, he did it no matter what it might cost him. He was my mother’s closest friend at this time and for him nothing was more natural than that he give us a home when we needed one. …
Men of immense kindness, goodness, charm, courage and integrity. And Jack had an enormous sense of fun.
“The Kilns” was a home full of fun and laughter, even in those hard and painful time when my mother was dying. She and Jack were married when she was first thought to be at death’s door, but she recovered and went into a remission period which lasted for four years, the happiest time of her life and also of Jack’s. After Mother died, Jack and I grew very close, and it was his strength that sustained me. …
Douglas Gresham
Do I have confidence, when one day I die, what my closest family and friends say about me would be good things? Like who lived what she believed, give them a home when they needed one, kindness, courage, integrity …
This question came into my mind right after reading this.
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