“My current life situation is at the rainy side of the hill, and the sunny side seems far from reach.”
The Journey Writer 28.6.2022
A week ago, this was my feeling. I feel the sun again after my temporary visa has prolonged until the end of September. I of course immediately plan for the 2 most important things until then. The concert ticket I have to wait until the opening of the box office, I wish me luck. The wedding in Rome, I have got the ticket to fly!
My bride-to-be friend and I planed for the trip and for the wedding. I am having the privilege to make a song list for the wedding dinner. Yesterday night, during the time that I am working on the song list, I have got a phone call with a wonderful surprise.
A friend asked me to be her daughter’s godmother. It is one of the most beautiful things in this year, to be trusted with this responsibility. The sweet responsibility of watching over and looking after the little girl throughout her life. To me, this kind of bond, family-liked bond is the fundament for my own mental health. I happily accepted this wonderful offer.

Among those things that make me happy is to share other’s happiness. I am not at all a party person, I would literally avoid party or crowd. But I would love to be there to celebrate the important day of my important friends.

Another thing that makes me happy is an unplanned weekend. My previous lifestyle suffocates me. I did spontaneously meet a friend on the Saturday, attended worship service on Sunday and I feel comfortable that my weekend is as simple as this. Meeting one to two friends and one worship service is the maximum. A sign of aging.
Music of the night is inspired by my current project – the “Wedding-Song-List”. How to slip J.S. Bach into the non-classical music song list? The answer is Jacques Loussier Trio!
One of my favourite music band during my teenage time is The Corrs. Here is one song of The Corrs that also included in the “Wedding-Song-List”. Enjoy! Sleep well!
You’ll reach for me and I’ll know it’s for sure
Then I’ll give all the love in the world
The Corrs
Another example of thing that makes me happy: