“Wonders will never cease!”
“Es geschehen noch Zeichen und Wunder” is one of my favourite German saying. It means something unbelievable is happening like a miracle. In fact, if we look closely at the nature, miracles happen every day. Not necessarily the kind of miracle like the parting of the Red Sea, but still miracle.
The grapes are getting shape now!

You can compare the pictures with the pictures I took in January and in May.
18 January 2022
4 May 2022
My Begonia is multiplying its heart shape flower. And on 21 May 2022, it has only one heart.

Click the link to see the plant in May:
Flaming Katy Propagation
The Flaming Katy is getting new roots after 2 weeks in water, now it is ready for soil!

Yes, I did cut the plant and put it into the water. After that, I only can wait until the roots come out. May be I still need to change the water from time to time, but I can do nothing to encourage the growth of the root. It is very comforting to know that He has been working all the time. The little roots that were growing from nothing, the heart-shaped flowering plant that multiplied, the grapes that gradually grew fat from only two bare branches in January. Yes, there are still signs and wonders taking place.