My neighbour, not the sick neighbour, she once told me she makes fruit jam, if I have empty jam glass jars to recycle, she would like to have them. So I regularly brought empty glass jar to her if I have one.
Today, she brought me this bag with this sentence:
“Enjoy the little things in life, they make life great!”
Inside the bag, 4 jars of self-made jam and a post card from Benediktbeuern.

Therefore, Benediktbeuern is added to my “to-visit-list”, whenever that would be is relatively does not matter. What is more, to have given up the empty glass jars and received the filled glass jars is metaphorical.
I gave her those glass jars is not because I am nice nor generous, for I would bring them to recycle anyway if I did not bring them to her. Also I never expect to get anything back, because like I said, those are the empty jars I would not need anymore. Really, it is nothing glorious.
Anyway, my empty glass jars come back to me and filled with jam. It reminds me of the verse in the Bible: “I (Jesus) have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10. Not only to have life, but to the full, that is the reason Jesus come. My empty jars are full now, not just 1 jar but 4 jars. They came back to me abundantly.
It also reminds me of the 1st miracle that Jesus performed in John 2: 1-11. When he turned water into wine, it was not just wine but the best quality of wine. That is His intention, to bring out the best quality of my life, not just physically surviving. This is the truth that I should hold on now at this misty path. Even when I have to face adversity, if that is to bring out the best quality of my life, I should keep trusting Him.
I followed the instruction of the bag: “Enjoy the little things in life, they make life great!”
It’s a sunny day and I was enjoying my garden. Examining each flower (little thing in life) and check its meaning. The movie “Into the wild” said: “Happiness only real when shared”. So I share my little piece of paradise (garden) with you. Below are some of currently blooming flowers.

Pink Peony
Good luck, prosperity, honour and a happy marriage. It is often given for the 12th wedding anniversary.

Red Rose
Appreciation, true respect, ready for commitment, love, beauty and courage.

Old fashioned weigela
Bright future, brilliance, beauty.

Be cautious, gratitude, uniqueness, forgiveness, harmonious.