My reading habit has changed. More accurately, the long gone reading habit is back. Back to the time when I was preparing for class and writing essay for my degree in Chinese literature and International development. Highlighting, underlining, tabs, and notes.

Recently I have started to explore Russian contemporary literature. A friend introduced Ljudmila Ulitzkaja to me, I am now reading her book – The Big Green Tent. The book raised the curtain with the death of Stalin.
I am not so familiar with Russian history. Then I have to check, when he died? March 5, 1953. My English vocabulary is very limited, at least one new word in every 3 – 5 sentences I have to write down the meaning. I also note down my reflections whenever it occurred and also when a question is arising from reading.
There is also a kind of my reading habit, in another form. At my bed side are fairy tales, heart-warming and funny short stories, peaceful prayer books. There will be words that I not yet understood too, but I still can get a grasp on the storyline without looking into dictionary. Even when I fell asleep in the middle of the story, it does not really matter, for these books are endless in the nature. I can start it again in anywhere just like I somehow end it anywhere. Here are some examples of these books.

A random question popped up, if you mean the story is not only imaginary but true, and it is serious, then how will it be made to happen?