Celebrating the 25th Spring

My spinet was feeling unwell

My spinet was feeling unwell today, as well as 3 persons that very close to me. I can not be with three of them, at least I can visit my bedridden neighbour. A song will be my prayer for tonight, it says:

God, please spare us punishments
And let us sleep peacefully
And our sick neighbour too

It was an unforgettable concert that the singer sing this song last year (2021), when the COVID19 cases spiked in December. I remember how I worried about the concert would be cancelled, luckily not. However, the situation was tense, many people fell sick, hospital workers exhausted. And then in this concert, I heard this comforting song heavenly sung. This is the song I need tonight for my friends.

I learn about the poet Matthias Claudius (1740 – 1815) in my church music education in subject Hymnology. To my knowledge, his “Evening Song” (Abendlied) as shown above is very beloved for all ages, as soon as one know how to sing until death bed. And no harvest festival in Germany can be without his another lyric “We plough the fields and scatter” (Wir pflügen und wir streuen).

Recently, I discovered his another poem with tender touch. The poem called “To Wife Rebecca; at the silver wedding anniversary, 15.3.1797”. From the title alone, I guess one can feel his tenderness. This poem is to celebrate their 25th Spring of being together.

Today is Easter, one of many German Easter traditions is the visit of Easter bunny. The Easter bunny will bring Easter nests with eggs, chocolate and many more beautiful things. What is in your Easter nest? My Easter nest look like this: