Happy Easter 2022

“On Wednesday night is a concert, do you have time?”
“No, I have worship service to play.”
“On Saturday night we plan to cook together, are you in?”
“No, I have worship service to play.”
“Family call at 9.30 p.m. Malaysia time!”
“Sorry I cannot join, I have worship service to play.”

After worship service is before another worship service since last week. This is my current situation. Worship service as I stated in previous blog is very important to me. However, after a week, it is very tiring. Worship service with string ensemble, with choir, my own organ solo, with soloists. I almost exchanged the liturgy of yesterday afternoon with the liturgy for morning service. Still I am thankful that everything worked as planned. Also thankful for I was able to make time to listen to a good quality organ performance of Prelude and Fugue in E Minor BWV 548.

This Easter is very meaningful to me as I am embarking a new life journey after Easter. My visa is prolonged until the end of June. After Easter I will have to gather documents to apply for a freelancer visa. I will do what I can, but really, no forcing and no compromising. Nothing good coming by force and compromised.

If you have followed my blog for a while, you knew that how I love blackbird and his singing. In one book “From Field and Forest” by Anna Koska, she points out another important life lesson that one could learn from blackbird: remarkable persistence to make his voice heard each and every morning. I think of my blackbird, he started to sing when the tree still bare until the new leaves occurring. Just keep singing in all kind of circumstances.

From Field and Forest by Anna Koska

Last but not least, happy Easter to you! Of course, with music.